Social Issue

What is your social issue? The social issue I did research on is animal abuse.
Why is it such a social issue? What do people disagree about in relation to this topic? This is a social issue because a lot of people have strong opinions on how animals are treated and how they feel it should be changed , there are groups of people that come together and fight for animal rights. Some people believe that animals should used for testing and that it is necessary for humans to torture animals  for our benefit, but others disagree that animals should be better and not be used for testing or be put in bad conditions for human entertainment.
What is your proposed solution? Why do you think this is the best solution? Animal testing being made illegal is the first thing that would create a big solution to the problem, with that law animal cruelty will be stopped (mostly) in that department and it would also help companies gain costumers because lots of people boycott products tested on animals.
What are pros to your solution? Pros to this solution include, less animals being put through horrible processes for no reason, it could improve quality of the process of testing products before they are put on shelves, this solution will force companies to find a safer more reasonable way of testing products. This will stop the boycott of products and help business owners to increase their buyers and profit.
What are cons to your solution? The cons are it would affect a lot of companies and how they are able to test their product. It will cause controversy between a lot of people and could affect if they are even able to continue their company
Any questions to your audience members for help on your topic?

What are your opinions on animal testing? Using animals for entertainment in bad conditions?

Playdoh That Represents Me

The item I created with the Playdoh was a cat. This is representation of all animals, animals are important to me because I feel like they have such a postive impact in peoples lives and help people out in many ways and don’t get anything in return because of the fact that they are animals. Someone in my class made a guitar to represent their love for music, this was unique because most people would use a music note or microphone or something more general to represent music but they used a specific instrument to show not only their love for music but something in the music category that they love. Bryce made a baseball because the love for the sport represents a big part of who he is. This process of using Playdoh to create something meaningful or to represent something is just like the process of writing because you first have to plan out and visualize exactly how you want your piece to come out just like if you were writing a paper, then you have to brain storm how youre going to get it to turn out the way you want all before you actually start the process of making it just like in writing, its all about planning before you actually start. Once you start to make your idea you tweak and perfect it as you go along so you can get the full affect you visualized before starting just like in writing, as you re read you re write and fix mistakes.

Do you support the legalization of gay marriage?

The question “Do you support the legalization of gay marriage?” Overall poll results were 67% of people (21,860,721 votes) said yes, they do support the new law and 33% of people (10,678,544 votes) said no they do not support the new law. In Illinois alone 1,051,991  people voted yes, they do agree with the law and 419,957 people voted they do not agree with the law, that is 71% of people voting yes and 29% voting no in the state of  Illinois. In the city of Chicago the poll numbers were 330,754 people voted yes, they do agree and 92,201 people voted no they do not agree with the new law to legalize gay marriage. Only 6% of the Democrat party voted that they do not agree with the legalization of gay marriage, 94% of people voted they do agree with the new law. The republic party majority voted they didnt agree with the law, 66% voted no and only 34% of people voted they do agree with the law. 65% of white people voted that they agreed with new law and 35% voted that they disagreed with the law. 68% of African Americans voted that they agreed with the law  and only 32% voted that they do not agree to the new law. 72% of people with a bachelors degree voted that they agree with the new law leaving the 28% of people voting that they did not agree. What are the reasons behind the people who answered no?